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European School Education Platform

Teacher Educator
eTwinning validated

Candida Neves Couto

Teacher educator

As a teacher
Teach using a student-centred model;
Teach using tech-based intercultural projects to foster communication-based on respect;
Teach using tech-based intercultural projects to develop intercultural and linguistic competences.

Other responsibilities
Help plan and meet with Principal, Grade Level and Subject Area Leaders and Coordinators;
Coordinate disruptive behavior at school, articulating with psychology services and child protection entities;
Organise students' school trips and visits to Europe.

Aa a Coordinator
Coordinate grade level and attend and participate at grade level common planning meetings;
Coordinate school projects (Class Positive +, CLIL; Bilingual Teaching) and areas (Student Tutoring);
Coordinate School library.

As a Project Manager
Manage different projects: International Projects - Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2, school partnerships, and students' exchange and mobilities;
Manage a Cambridge Certification Centre at school.

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Organisations (1)

eTwinning validated
Role in organisation:
Teacher Educator
Member since:
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Account details

Professional details

  • Interested in subject:
    Foreign Languages
    Language & Literature
    Media Education