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European School Education Platform

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Results (339)

Financijski putokaz

Učenici rijetko gdje uče o upravljanju novcem, planiranju troškova, prednostima i nedostacima bankovnog sustava, osiguravajućim društvima, marketinškim trikovima, a čim zakoraknu u samostalan život...

The Compass of the Accountant

In developed countries the goal of vocational and technical education is to equipt individuals with basic skills to understand and to use technology, teach them communication and problem solving...

Beyond my Country

Motivating students to know different countries' life styles and culture, also provides international awareness among students. The English language and a real peer-to peer connection programs between...

Across our country

Knowing other country‘s culture, history, habits and nature.To remove barriers in communication in a foreign language. To improve ITC skills. To create a real friendship between students from...

Spatiu de învățare eTwinning

Un proiect de antrenare si exersare a deprinderilor formate la atelierele, seminarele și evenimentle de învățare eTwinning. Este un spatiu de explorare, experimentare, exersare și utilizare a...

Needs analysis

Needs analysis for project managers - online course

Section 1: introduction to needs analysis Definition and importance of needs analysis in the context of profit and non-profit projects. Overview of skills required for an effective needs analysis...

Delavnice 2014/2015

Usposabljanje učiteljev za mednarodno usmerjeno projektno delo v okviru programa Erasmus+ (eTwinning)