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European School Education Platform

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Website creation Horse ride

Projekt je zameraný na tvorbu web stránky cvičnej firmy. Participujúcou školou je škola z Turecka. Cvičná firma je mostom medzi teóriou a praxou, využívajú sa medzipredmetové vzťahy a žiaci simulujú...

21st century soft skills for teachers in VET

Teachers are working in a fast changing environment, that most precisely can be described by a quote that has been widely shared on social media; it says teachers “are currently preparing students for...

Beyond my Country

Motivating students to know different countries' life styles and culture, also provides international awareness among students. The English language and a real peer-to peer connection programs between...

Across our country

Knowing other country‘s culture, history, habits and nature.To remove barriers in communication in a foreign language. To improve ITC skills. To create a real friendship between students from...

Vocational Schools Development Network

This project, throughout the European Union, comprises of researching and later sharing knowledge of local small/medium sized businesses in the locality of each school. Our project will act to...

Teach and Learn

This project will involve teachers around the world - to share their experiences about teaching learning process

ICT for Innovative Classroom Technologies

ICT for Innovative Classroom Technologies

Day of arrival: Typical French Aperitif (optional) Day 1 - Participants’ arrival - Individual orientation and information about the venue and the city -Expectations and setting goals for the week -...
ICT For Innovative Classroom Technologies (MALTA)

ICT For Innovative Classroom Technologies (MALTA)

Daily programme: Day 1 - Participants’ arrival - Individual orientation and information about the venue and the city - Expectations and setting goals for the week - Networking activities - Course...