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European School Education Platform


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Projects (112)

İklim değişikliğinin Dünya ve ülkemiz üzerindeki etkilerinin incelendiği ve konuyla ilgili duyarlılık geliştirmek gerektiğine inanan bir çalışma planlıyoruz. Tabi kaynaklarımızın kullanımından...

Students will describe their school, environment, country, lifestyle, feelings and concerns through photographs. They will be more sensitive to the environment. They will see a huge world looking...

National Quality Label

Educational games provide support to teachers in the design of instructional content and processes. Students can learn more easily and with fun in the game environment. The assessment process of...

As a result of the development of technology and its rapid entry into our daily lives, our students' interest in mobile phones, computers and tablets has increased day by day, but their interest in...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Our cooperation etwinning partnership between France, Spain, Portugal and Turkey is linked to our 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000032981 Erasmus project. With that project, we shall create a virtual European...

Mazs projektiņš profesionālo mācību iestāžu pirmkursniekiem, kas varētu ļaut viņiem apzināties jauna posma situāciju: savu jauno "es", pirmās problēmas un pirmos ieguvumus. Varētu tikt uzskatāms arī...

Scopul proiectului: - Scopul acestui proiect îl reprezintă constituirea unui grup partenerial care să promoveze valori comune la nivelul partenerilor implicați: decidențe, oameni ai școlii, elevi...

- interkultureller Austausch zwischen Schülern aus verschiedenen Ländern. - zunächst virtueller Austausch und gemeinsame Planung, anschließend persönlicher Austausch durch Besuch des jeweiligen...