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European School Education Platform


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Projects (42)

Nature is the best, most productive, most beautiful and largest school for us. Based on this idea, in our project, various workshops are planned for our children to connect with nature in their school...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We intend to present different Christmas traditions, ilustrated in children eyes. Children will create short stories about the Cristmas traditions in their country. Then, they will illustrate the...

About the project The best heritage for the kids is a tale..Our greatest legacy passed down from us to our children is our oral culture.. Our students, who spend a lot of time with technology products...

This project is created to be the platform of Social Values STEM from European Heritage - MULTILATERAL CONFERENCE - 04th of June 2021, organised by Tudor Arghezi High School from Craiova, Romania with...

The project aims to reduce the final disposal of solid waste in landfills, enable small, medium and large entrepreneurs to recycle various materials and use organic waste to produce fertilizers in...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projektas skirtas 3- 9 m. vaikams. Medžiai supa mus kas dieną, bet vaikai į tai beveik nekreipia dėmesio. Jie nepriima medžių kaip gyvų objektų ar organizmų, kadangi medžiai nekalba, negali judėti...

National Quality Label

მოსწავლეებში მოხდეს ეკოლოგიური ცნობიერების ამაღლება ,იმისათვის რომ შეამცირონ შესაძლო უარყოფითი შედეგები ,გამოწვეული თავიანთი ეკო-ნაკვალევით და გახადონ იგი ნაკლებად საზიანო დედამიწისათვის. იფიქრონ...

National Quality Label

This project is an extension of already approved Erasmus+ KA229 project and it will be used for communication between participants, exchange of materials and at the end, for dissemination of the...