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European School Education Platform


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Projects (38)

We intend to strenghten its European vocation by the creation of a Net of European High Schools who are willing to collaborate in the creation of didactic activities and methodologies based on the...

The project is based on similarities of our regions, Czech and French, also rather small towns where our schools are situated. The rural areas offer beautiful nature, ready to be explored, view points...

15 MINUTES TO HAPPINESS is an eTwinning project that will introduce several activites and exercises to our pupils that help them to become happier human beings. They will learn what matters in life...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

In the last few decades, consumerism has rocketed, and the planet has suffered. The damage we have done to our ecosystem and environment is devastating. Unless we drastically change our lifestyles...

National Quality Label

Twinspace pro účastníky Slovanského semináře pro učitele ZŠ - 2021

Projekt je připravený Národním podpůrným střediskem pro všechny eTwinnery (začátečníky i “ostřílené”) , kteří nyní vyučují své žáky a studenty z domu. V této aktivitě naleznete čtyři kategorie, do...

The New Coronavirus led to the closure of schools, forcing children and their families to stay at home. Many students thought of new ways to spend the time: they created games, idealized activities...

National Quality Label

Özel eğitim gereksinimli çocukların sosyal özelliklerinde tipik bazı problemler görülebilmektedir. Bu problemler kısmen toplumdaki bireylerin bu çocuklara yönelik tutum ve davranışlarıyla, kısmen de...