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European School Education Platform


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Projects (19)

From a “Food Detective” mascot that will go through the rooms, and investigate what is eaten in each one, we will create a common ebook with healthy and unhealthy foods and analyze what we need to...

With this project; Based on 4-11 Years STEM education; Science, mathematics, chemistry, courses that are suitable for education and to be taught in natural events. Students will experience the nature...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Children are curious, and their questions about life around them are unending. All of us have many cognitive capacities, but most of us are particularly strong in some and weak in others. In this...

National Quality Label

Това е краткосрочен национален проект, който се регистрира като учебен във връзка с обучително събитие на тема: "STEM & eTwinning". Целта е максимален брой учители да имат достъп до материалите от...

Pasidalinti gerąja patirtimi, kaip vaikai linksmai leidžia laiką ikimokyklinėse įstaigose vasaros metu. Kokia jų užimtumo diena. Žaidimų idėjos, eksperimentai, dainos ir kt. (Successful experience...

National Quality Label

As of 2019, plastic bags have been sold in the markets for money. However, this situation only decreased the number of pouch usage. Our main problem is the waste that we leave to the next generations...

Okul öncesi dönemdeki çocuklar meraklı,araştırıcı,sorgulayıcı ve yeni bilgiler öğrenmeye çok açıktırlar. Çocukların bu yöndeki gelişimlerini destekleyen en önemli etkinliklerden biri ‘Fen ve Doğa...

National Quality Label

Les élèves agés de 15 à 17 ans valorisent le Patrimoine Naturel de son Pays. Les langues de communication sont le Français, l'anglais , l'Espagnol et l'Allemand entre les enseignants mais la langue de...