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European School Education Platform


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Projects (20)

With this project; Based on 4-11 Years STEM education; Science, mathematics, chemistry, courses that are suitable for education and to be taught in natural events. Students will experience the nature...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Kosmosas vaikams – nauja, nežinoma ir ypač patraukli tema. Vaikams kosmosas – paslapčių pasaulis, kuriame išsilieja beribė jų fantazija. Kiekvienam vaikui bus įdomu mokytis kosmoso temos, susipažinti...

National Quality Label

Our students will be able to explore the universe by doing activities, experiencing and observing. Students' interest in astronomy, space sciences and aviation will be increased. It will inspire a new...

National Quality Label

To increase students' interest in STEM and to help them understand the connection between real life and the abstract concepts they learn in school. Improving foreign language ICL language...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Students 9 to 15 years old will travel to space and they will live new adventures while doing a variety of funny and instructive activities and cooperating in English with pupils from many different...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Schools have lost the meaning of being the only instution when we talk about education. One of the causes of this is technological developments which they are highly used in our daily basis past...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Това е краткосрочен национален проект, който се регистрира като учебен във връзка с обучително събитие на тема: "STEM & eTwinning". Целта е максимален брой учители да имат достъп до материалите от...

The adventures of an explorer on the journey of STEAM will be the subject of this project. The aim of this project is to support 21st century qualifications, to develop students' scientific thinking...

National Quality Label