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European School Education Platform


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Projects (6)

The program aims to encourage students to collaborate with different schools by getting acquainted with those schools and presenting their own school.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

On March 8th 2020, we'll celebrate women's international day by introducing famous European women. -First schools will introduce themselves : create a video and a quiz to challenge the different...

National Quality Label

This project will be used during seminar.

Friendship is the best and most important professional development among people. People know each other faster and closer, understand and connect each other by making friendship. People with different...

National Quality Label

Die Schüler lernen über Adventszeit und Weihnachten in anderen Ländern. Sie verbessern auch ihre IKT und Fremdsprachkenntnissen.

National Quality Label

Dette er prosjektsidene til den nordiske PDW - Svalbard 2010. Vi skal legge inn informasjon om reisen, program og andre nyttige dokumenter og ressurser. Alle deltakerne forventes å legge inn bilde i...

National Quality Label