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European School Education Platform


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Projects (7)

Teaching tolerance through Todd Parr's book "It's okay to be different".

"Europa entdecken - Kultureller Austausch über Grenzen hinweg" ist ein eTwinningprojekt, in dem Schüler aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern ihre Kulturen teilen. Von individuellen Steckbriefen bis...

We will use more effective methods in our classrooms rather than classical methods of Education. So we'll make our class a more peaceful environment. This peace of mind will undoubtedly provide an...

National Quality Label

Students find synonyms to the words "Hello", "Thank you", "Please" and "Goodbye" in their native language and write them down. Some words are formal, some informal. They also put down slang words...

National Quality Label

We will share national jokes and explain them, so that others understand. We can create an e-book of national jokes

This project aims to ımprove students' English via interactıng with native speakers or foreign ones as my students. Students are going to use photos from their past and photos they take during the...

National Quality Label

This workshop is about closing the gap between family and school: the role of digital technologies.

National Quality Label