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European School Education Platform


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Projects (23)

Cu toţii, dar in special copiii, asteptăm aceasta mare sărbătoare- Naşterea lui Iisus. În acest proiect doresc să ne impărtăşim unii altora emoţiile, bucuriile, precum si obiceiurile noastre, ale...

Projemiz okulöncesi çağındaki çocuklara dünyamıza yön veren kişileri tanıtmak üzerine kurulmuştur.

National Quality Label

Sunduğumuz proje; ülkelere misafir veya mülteci olarak gelen yabancı uyruklu kişilere ait dilleri, onlardan istifade ederek karşılıklı dil öğrenimini sağlamak, kolaylaştırmak ve kalıcı hale getirmek...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Game based learning enables both motivation and positive attitude for the lessons.It makes learning environment enjoyable and efficient .According to Zichermann and Cuning(2012),the cycle of challenge...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Project created for Online eTwinning seminar organized by Slovak NSS in dates: 19-20 October 2021. This project is opened for seminar's participant only.

National Quality Label

The project "Popular traditions - connecting elements" is designed to create bridges between students from European schools participating in the project. The main goal of the project is to know the...

National Quality Label

Students 7 to 13 years old will create an international Cats Calendar, working in transnational teams.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

With this project our students will prepare their own reading materials with their friends from other schools / countries through communication, collaboration and interaction and they will do reading...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label