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European School Education Platform


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Projects (20)

Through this project, students will expand their knowledge about economics, entrepreneurship and business. They must discover different aspects of their local environment and then share it with others...

The target is to develop pupils' required skills to be successful entrepreneurs by involving them in lifelike useful, collaborative activities.To instill a feeling of entrepreneurialism and initiative...

Graphic design is a profession that is constantly changing and evolving at a rapid pace, school systems are not so fast as to keep up with all these changes. These changes directly affect the labor...

The European Commission has developed EntreComp: the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework as a reference framework to explain what is meant by an entrepreneurial mindset. EntreComp offers a...

We all want a cleaner environment, less polluted air, or maybe just a lifestyle that is both environmentally and financially sustainable, but we don't know where to start. Children have emotions and...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Our project is for preparing content for online course. Content in different branches will be prepared by students using web2.0 tools.

National Quality Label

öğrencilerimizde gelecğe yönelik hedef oluşturma da sorunlar yaşanmasının temel sebepleri arasında öğrencinin meslek edinmenin önemini kavramamış olması,bizler öğrencilerimize meslek ve iş arasındaki...

National Quality Label

We know that the first step in the profession starts in vocational high schools and we want to carry out studies in this direction. The fields we choose in direct proportion to our individual talents...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label