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European School Education Platform


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Projects (22)

A cultural project that includes an educational environment and activities where students can develop their potential, learn and play creatively. In order for all these to happen, studies will be...

The aim of our project is to ensure that preschool children receive an effective mathematics education while improving their skills and abilities, as well as to support the development of problem...

We believe that traffic education is necessary to be taught to children from early preschool age. According to the Analytical program of the kindergarten, it is included in the second thematic field...

Today, traditional children's games that socialize individuals are played very little anymore. In fact, the new generation does not know most of these games. Within the scope of the project, our...

Bugün dünyada yüksek gelişmişlik düzeyi, iyi bir eğitim gösteren ülkeler, elde ettikleri başarıları geçmişi iyi analiz edip gelecekle bağlantılar kurarak , insanı merkeze alan kavramsal çerçeveleri...

In this projects students will grasp the concept of loops in coding as they create different patterns (spiral art, rainbow, flower petals, beehive cells etc.) on paper by following step-by-step...

Yapılan araştırmalar origaminin yaparak öğrenme işbirlikçi öğrenme, yaratıcı öğrenme, aktif öğrenme, proje tabanlı öğrenme, beyin temelli öğrenme gibi çağdaş öğrenme metotları ile bağlantılı bir...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Problems related to the environment began to increase exponentially day by day. It has been proven that human influence is also great in the changes that occur in the climate. It was aimed to find...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label