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European School Education Platform


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Projects (13)

A positive, interesting learning environment, fit to the abilities and interests of the students, promotes the active involvement of the students and the successful completion of the learning process...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

In the last few decades, consumerism has rocketed, and the planet has suffered. The damage we have done to our ecosystem and environment is devastating. Unless we drastically change our lifestyles...

National Quality Label

U projektu sudjeluju učenici i voditelji Vijeća učenika u osnovnim i srednjim školama. Učimo, istražujemo, preispitujemo u praksi dječja prava, posebno u školama praksu Vijeća učenika u EU...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Every month the project will focus on by focusing every month on one or more international event/ events created by the United Nations and other organizations and by analyzing current events...

National Quality Label

Նախագծի շրջանակներում սովորողները կշարունակեն դասընթացի միջոցով սովորել միջին դարերի պատմությունը:

Նախագծի շրջանակներում սովորողները հնարավորություն կունենան առցանց տարբերակով մասնակցելու պատմության դասընթացի:

the student present his country To others by show the culture and traditionnel dress and flag and language and collaborate with other from all over the world......

National Quality Label

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified...

National Quality Label