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European School Education Platform


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Projects (20)

We will organize events using the SCAMPER Technique. We will have fun and learn at the same time. We will guide children by creating recipes that will develop their imaginations and touch their hearts...

National Quality Label

Kolejna odsłona cyklicznego projektu, w którym chcemy uczcić polskie święto narodowe i ponad 100 lat niepodległości kraju - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości obchodzone 11 listopada. Zespoły tworzą...

National Quality Label

In the last few decades, consumerism has rocketed, and the planet has suffered. The damage we have done to our ecosystem and environment is devastating. Unless we drastically change our lifestyles...

National Quality Label

Annual international celebration of European Day of Languages consisting of participants introduction, making presentation of the place and element of culture where they live and postcards exchange.

National Quality Label

In this phase of digital transition it is imperative to train young people for their inclusion in the digital society. The year 2020/2021 has created adverse situations in various areas that will have...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Proiectul este despre oportunitatea portalului eTwinning pentru elevi,profesori și părinți. Ne propunem să vorbim despre eTwinning pe înțelesul copiilor.Vom asculta părerea elevilor despre prietenie...

Kolejna odsłona cyklicznego projektu, w którym chcemy uczcić polskie święto narodowe i 100 lat niepodległości kraju - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości obchodzone 11 listopada. Zespoły tworzą papierowe...

National Quality Label

Every month the project will focus on by focusing every month on one or more international event/ events created by the United Nations and other organizations and by analyzing current events...

National Quality Label