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European School Education Platform


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Projects (109)

Curious children are interested in everything that happens around them. Now their goal is to get to know nature's friends and find out what benefits they bring to us. For this, children will search...

Love for nature, respect for living things, empathy, cooperation, cooperation, sharing, tolerance and effective communication will be achieved by teaching behaviors and integrating them into the...

Tükettiğimiz ürünlerin atıklarını kullanılabilir objelere dönüştürülmesi , bazı el becerilerinin edinilmesi ve çevre bilinci kazandırılmasının sağlanması , kullanım dışı olan atık malzemeleri değişik...

National Quality Label

Toplumumuzun geneli tarafından kabul görmüş kültürel değerlerimizi gelecek kuşaklara aktarmak ve onların bu değerleri içselleştirmelerini sağlamak amacıyla Şubat ayında başlayıp Haziran ayına kadar...

Our century makes us face lots of challenges and these challenges have global meanings. Global challenges are somehow connected to global problems and global problems need finding global problem...

The project is about creating and sending Easter cards in a native language and in English as well. The cards will be exchanged among the partner countries.

National Quality Label

Brief Description It is aimed to ensure that students, especially in science and art courses, learn why science and art are important and how important they are in our lives, by getting to know and...

Getting to know the cultural heritage of one's country and city is one of the important issues, the project will allow us to get to know the traditions of one's city and the holidays preserved by the...