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European School Education Platform


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Projects (4)

Mən 12-16 yaş aralığında olan şagirdlərlə çalışıram. Bu yaş aralığında şagirdlər yetginlik dövründə olurlar. Uşaqlar bu yaşlarında aqresiv, dəyişgən və qarışıq fikirli olurlar.Onlarda olan bu boşluğu...

Through this project we will follow two parallel plans: 1. The knowledge and assimilation of the international rights of the child, according to the UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, adopted...

Briefly summarizing smart board technology, we can describe it as the conversion of whiteboards of the size used in our schools into an interactive screen.So how does the whiteboard that we know turn...

The idea of project is to be aware of European peers’ school lifestyle and understand real European values. What do they eat and drink every day? What are in their lunch box? What are their hobbies...

National Quality Label