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European School Education Platform


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Projects (11)

We're writing letters to celebrate European Day of Languages. Our letters will be both in our mother tongue and English. We will talk about ourselves, schools and environment. We will also add some...

National Quality Label

The idea: two days before the European day of language we send each other an email with 6 sentences and a video of how to pronounce it. 1. I speak... 2. My name is... 3. I am … years old 4. I live in...

National Quality Label

As it is known from scientific studies, when mathematic is explained with concrete examples, students develop a positive attitude towards the lesson and their academic success increases. Encryption is...

National Quality Label

Visual narratives, such as comics and animations, smile cards on social etiquetes or vignettes are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for education and communication. Comics are a medium used to...

National Quality Label

"Po jedna jabuka svaki dan, tjera doktora iz kuće van!" Upoznavanje učenika sa uticajem jabuke na naše zdravlje, koristima od jabuke, vrstama jabuke, načinom konzumiranja jabuke i proizvoda od jabuke...

National Quality Label

The project will be implemented in cooperation with the Bangladesh Embassy in Warsaw and students and teachers associated with the University of Dhaka. Cooperation will be established to obtain...

National Quality Label

The aim of the project is to feel joy and value the apple as a valuable fruit through the art. The children will share their art about apples using various IT tools and mediums (acryl, coloured...

National Quality Label

Vi ønsker at lave et projekt om fuglehuse og kunst. Tanken er at alle kan deltage uanset alder, de to projektholdere arbejder i henholdsvis en børnehave og på en specialskole. Vi tænkte at det kunne...

National Quality Label