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European School Education Platform


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Projects (10)

The project, co-founded by Turkey and Romania, includes to introduce and teach forgotten traditional games to students between the ages of 4-10. This project aims to pass on the traditional games of...

Schools; They are small examples of the society they live in. They play an active role in preparing individuals, who are the foundation of the society, for the future. Within the scope of our project...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The aim of this project is to provide pre-school children with mathematical concepts and skills through sensory-based games and material activities. Mathematics skills are one of the important...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

It is aimed to ensure that students take ownership of their classrooms and make an effort to beautify the environment where they live in. In this way, students will take responsibility, produce new...

National Quality Label

Projede ergenlik döneminin getirisi olan sorun ve problemlere dahil aile yapısında bilinçsel farkındalık yaratmak ve öğretirken öğrenmek esas alınmıştır. Aileden başlayarak toplumsal yapıya doğru...

Sustainable Poetry is a global co-creative project that 1) raises the voices of children and youths for a sustainable future 2) gives sustainability issues a natural place in education and 3)...

National Quality Label

Projemiz ile öğrencilerde iyilik,sevgi,yardımlaşma,merhamet gibi duyguları geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktayız. With our project, we aim to develop students' feelings of kindness, love, solidarity and...

National Quality Label

PROJENİN AMACI: Günümüz teknolojisinde öğrencilerin ilgileri ne yazıl ki tablet, bilgisayar ve telefonlara yönelmiştir. Kitaba olan ilgi ise azalmıştır. Ülkemizde ki öğrencilerin okuma düzeyi gelişmiş...