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European School Education Platform


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Projects (12)

Students will learn about local cultural heritage, study the methods by which archaeological data is collected, recorded, analyzed and interpreted in the field of cultural heritage and archaeology...

National Quality Label

In this project we will research our own culture and food and introduce it to other culture.Also cooking and tasting different kinds of food around the world.

The 'Sustainable Development Plan', which has 17 objectives for a livable world, aims to solve the main problems faced by people all over the world, including Turkey. Climate change; Air, water and...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projemiz okulöncesi çağındaki çocuklara dünyamıza yön veren kişileri tanıtmak üzerine kurulmuştur.

National Quality Label

Spending time with nature is good for everyone. Everything we can learn and have fun with is available in nature.In nature, the teacher gives little warning to children. Because children can focus...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We have much to protect before it's too late. Our nature, our health, our culture, our values. lets start then...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Tarptautinis projektas Integruotos netradicinės užsienio kalbų ir kitų dalykų pamokos, valandėlės, popietės-susitikimai tarp Lietuvos ikimokyklinių ir priešmokyklinių įstaigų, bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų...

National Quality Label

Darni aplinka - tarsi trečiasis mokytojas. Darni aplinka siejama su darniu vystymu/si ir atspindi 4 darnaus vystymo/si principus. Įtraukusis ugdymas - tai ugdymas kiekvienam pagl ugdytinio poreikius...

National Quality Label