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European School Education Platform


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Projects (10)

We are restarting this project to mark World Letter Writing Day (May 11, 2023), and at the same time bring students closer to the older and slower times when we sent letters written on paper, put the...

National Quality Label

The project is a good opportunity to carry out activities that combine specific elements of knowledge of art with the development of artistic expression skills, closely related to the way of working...

Želja nam je istražiti i prezentirati saznanja o božićnim običajima našeg zavičaja u prošlosti, o božićnim čestitkama u prošlosti i tradicijskim božićnim jelima.. Učenici će učiti i spoznavati...

Our project is a project designed to make our special students aware of waste materials, to raise awareness and to make them more sensitive about this issue. Failure to recycle the waste generated at...

Especially children; young, old, all family members will read the book reading will become a tradition. Başta çocuklar olmak üzere; genci,yaşlısı tüm aile bireyleri kitap okuyacak. Böylelikle kitap...

We have much to protect before it's too late. Our nature, our health, our culture, our values. lets start then...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Bu proje kapsamında öğrencilerimizde, değerlerimizle ilgili farkındalık oluşturarak, öğrencilerimizin merhamet ,sabır, sevgi, birlikte hareket edebilme ve tasarım becerilerini geliştirmeyi...

National Quality Label

Tarptautinis projektas Integruotos netradicinės užsienio kalbų ir kitų dalykų pamokos, valandėlės, popietės-susitikimai tarp Lietuvos ikimokyklinių ir priešmokyklinių įstaigų, bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų...

National Quality Label