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European School Education Platform


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Projects (12)

The program aims to encourage students to collaborate with different schools by getting acquainted with those schools and presenting their own school.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Timetable: Thursday 20th May 2021 and Friday 21st May 2 pm- 5.30 pm (CET) Target group: Vocational Education and Training teachers (VET), experience in eTwinning: from beginners to advanced...

Nowadays people send wishes via Internet. We want to exchange homemade Easter cards by traditional post. Except Easter wishes we want to exchange information about your country traditions connected...

National Quality Label

The European Union has aimed to increase energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse emissions, and focus on sustainable development. The food industry is one of the largest sectors in regards to energy use...

Project is about pets and how to take care of them. Pupils will make photos, drawing and handcrafts of their pets. They also will visit animal clinics and will learn how they live in shelters.

The idea is to guide the pupils to communicate via the creation of a simple drawing with its caption, which will, later in the year, evolve in the creation of short comic strips. The pupils will have...

L’aspetto innovativo che qualifica il progetto si configura nel mettere in rete, condividere conoscenze, saper fare, attraverso strumenti multimediali al fine di promuovere e valorizzare i siti Unesco...

National Quality Label

This project is an extension and expansion on our previous project: Neobiota- invasive plants and animals and how to deal with it. We want to focus on viral and bacterial pathogens which cross borders...