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European School Education Platform


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Projects (35)

Students from all continents cooperate and collaborate to reproduce one of the science's 10 most beautiful experiments of all time: Eratosthenes' measurement of the Earth's circumference. A global...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

"Meseszép - Mesekép" story writing and illustrating contest originated in Hungary 18 years ago. Hungarian pupils wrote a story and then illustrated it. The topic was freely chosen. In 2014, a new...

We are preparing our 60-72 months children to life by using coding activities.

National Quality Label

Nature is the best, most productive, most beautiful and largest school for us. Based on this idea, in our project, various workshops are planned for our children to connect with nature in their school...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Letter-writing exchange between students from different States but of the same age / level in terms of personal presentation, by means of a description (in the language of the sender), to be written...

National Quality Label

We will organize events using the SCAMPER Technique. We will have fun and learn at the same time. We will guide children by creating recipes that will develop their imaginations and touch their hearts...

National Quality Label

We will introduce eTwinning to our new colleagues. We will unite our students' dreams.

National Quality Label

We will get support from the world of children to make the world a more livable place. Together, we will organize activities to develop social awareness. We will develop digital skills with web2 tools...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label