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European School Education Platform


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Projects (18)

This project, • “Where are we going to use this topic? It is created with the aim of finding an answer to the question "What will be useful for us?" In this project, we set out to • show that...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We prepare for Christmas online! Partners introduce themselves and then we all start e-preparations for the "most wonderful time of the year"! We present Christmas traditions of our region, we sing...

National Quality Label

Dieses Projekt richtet sich an Studierende und Lehrende, die Deutsch als zweite Fremdsprache im In- und Ausland unterrichten. In diesem Projekt möchten wir die Lernreise angenehmer gestalten, indem...

National Quality Label

This project is created to be the platform of Social Values STEM from European Heritage - MULTILATERAL CONFERENCE - 04th of June 2021, organised by Tudor Arghezi High School from Craiova, Romania with...

Projekt "Music in the air" zakłada pokazanie, że mimo trudnej sytuacji związanej z pandemią COVID-19, uczniowie i nauczyciele szkół muzycznych i szkół ogólnokształcących chcą i mogą wspólnie muzykować...

National Quality Label

Bilindiği gibi dünyada evrensel dil İngilizce kabul edilmekte ve herhangi bir konuda evrensel bir literatür taraması yapmak istediğimizde bu dile hakimiyetimiz başarımızla doğru orantılıdır. Bu...

National Quality Label

FEEL THE RHYTHM AT HOME Severe measures are taken to prevent novel coronavirus from spreading in our country and all over the world. Places such as school and restaurant have been shut down, the...

National Quality Label

მოსწავლეებში მოხდეს ეკოლოგიური ცნობიერების ამაღლება ,იმისათვის რომ შეამცირონ შესაძლო უარყოფითი შედეგები ,გამოწვეული თავიანთი ეკო-ნაკვალევით და გახადონ იგი ნაკლებად საზიანო დედამიწისათვის. იფიქრონ...

National Quality Label