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European School Education Platform


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Projects (92)

Toplumumuzun geneli tarafından kabul görmüş kültürel değerlerimizi gelecek kuşaklara aktarmak ve onların bu değerleri içselleştirmelerini sağlamak amacıyla Şubat ayında başlayıp Haziran ayına kadar...

Peer learning is a method in which students help each other and transfer their knowledge and experiences to each other. Students in a similar age group have similar attitudes and behaviors, and they...

Well-being is a basic human right. One of the most important tasks of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the healthy cognitive, emotional, behavioral, physical, and social development of the...

Training space for workshops organized during the eTwinning event: "Multilateral eTwinning seminar for beginners+mentors" Here we practice TwinSpace options - work individually on embedding resources...

Mathematics and art are related in different ways. You can see, hear, experience math everywhere - in painting, architecture, nature, in a rhythmic melody played on an instrument, in sports dances, in...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The Project „Easter around Europe” points Easter tradition in European countries. The project is aimed at cultural orientation and language development. Students can learn Easters tradition, play...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Sunduğumuz proje; ülkelere misafir veya mülteci olarak gelen yabancı uyruklu kişilere ait dilleri, onlardan istifade ederek karşılıklı dil öğrenimini sağlamak, kolaylaştırmak ve kalıcı hale getirmek...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Due to the increase in the world population and the change in consumption habits, our natural resources are decreasing day by day. Global warming, rising water levels in the oceans and seas, and the...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label