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European School Education Platform


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Projects (36)

It is a project that applies mathematical notions related to units of measurement in everyday life. It contains transdisciplinary activities, STEAM activities.

The project aims to encourage elemantary school students to use the internet safely and responsibly.students will learn about basic concepts of the digital world while understanding the balance...

"Connecte-ED in Digitalotropolis” is an eTwinning project that uses digital cooperation to connect European schools. This project intends to encourage cross-cultural ties and digital literacy among...

This eTwinning project is linked to Climate - global warming and ecology. The climate is changing in many countries around the world. Global warming will affect not only humans but also animals and...

Acest proiect este creat pentru experimentarea și exersarea instrumentelor spațiului virtual al unui proiect eTwinning (TwinSpace) în cadrul cursului de instruire la distanță ”Valorificarea...

Our project is a project that will be carried out with activities to be created on the basis of innovation and creativity. Teachers and students will design mascots, products, games and course...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

As technology improves, the world becomes more reliant on the Internet. It is critical to teach today's students about his dangers. Good digital citizenship engages students and teaches them to...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Students learn different subjects in schools and we have different curriculums. The important things are taught in all curriculums. But it is important to learn together and to cooperate and...

National Quality Label