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European School Education Platform


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Projects (12)

This project gives voice to all those women which couldnt express and they did it through arts.

The teachers, the students and the parents use the internet nearly every moment. Besides the advantages of the internet, ıt has many disadvantages. So,In this Project we aim to teach the students...

Sunduğumuz proje; ülkelere misafir veya mülteci olarak gelen yabancı uyruklu kişilere ait dilleri, onlardan istifade ederek karşılıklı dil öğrenimini sağlamak, kolaylaştırmak ve kalıcı hale getirmek...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Proiectul își propune să sensibilizeze identitatea națională, culturală și religioasă în contextul diversității etnice europene. Implicarea în acest proiect va facilita înțelegerea reciprocă...

National Quality Label

The aim of this project is that the students will learn about school education in different countries. This project will contain a lot of interesting topics like: My school, The History of school...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The project "Popular traditions - connecting elements" is designed to create bridges between students from European schools participating in the project. The main goal of the project is to know the...

National Quality Label

I want to encourage pupils to search for information about their environment - their city. The main aims of the project are: familiarizing children with the history of their small homeland (across the...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Mass-media reprezintă canalul prin care se transmit nu doar informații de actualitate, ci și valorile și normele sociale, modelele și formele de comportament. Totodată, mass-media este și o formă de...

National Quality Label