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European School Education Platform


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Projects (54)

Porjemiz web 2.0 araçlarıyla oyunlar üretmek ve çocuklarda kalıcı öğrenmeyi sağlamak.

Teaching children's games, which are on the verge of disappearing today, is the main subject of our project. Children will learn both the games of their own culture and the games of the Project...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Do you want to know the wonders of the ancient world and the modern world? Or maybe you want to create your own list of the most interesting places on Earth, plan a virtual trip and invite colleagues...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projekt z myślą o doskonaleniu własnych umiejętności i przygotowania nauczycieli do pracy na nowej platformie.

To make fertilizer from natural waste and to grow seedlings from fruit seeds.

The project is about Nature and environmental issues our planet face today. Through the International holidays, the students conduct research about air and water pollution, deforestation, endangered...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The Project „Easter around Europe” points Easter tradition in European countries. The project is aimed at cultural orientation and language development. Students can learn Easters tradition, play...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Preschool period, which is accepted as the basic years of life, is a period in which some behaviors that will affect our whole life are acquired. Environmental education given in this period when...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label