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European School Education Platform


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Projects (9)

PROJENİN AMACI: Günümüz teknolojisinde öğrencilerin ilgileri ne yazıl ki tablet, bilgisayar ve telefonlara yönelmiştir. Kitaba olan ilgi ise azalmıştır. Ülkemizde ki öğrencilerin okuma düzeyi gelişmiş...

Music is the best motivator and source of different feelings. We will use it to create an international bound. Our pupils sing their favourite songs, dance and play them. They will share songs and...

Temel amacımız Ağrı başta olmak üzere eTwinning projeleriyle ilgili bilinç ve farkındalık oluşturmaktır. Çünkü şehrimizin eTwinning üye ve aktif proje sayılarının arttırılmasının eğitim öğretim...

National Quality Label

The project is designed to teach the weather events to the students. residual material Air events will be held. Events are shared in TwinSpace

National Quality Label

Using pupils' different features of lego to motivate children's imaginations and design unique products to integrate the game with education, to help children create variety styles, to reinforce the...

National Quality Label

Forests are declining rapidly due to unconscious tree cuttings, forest fires, industrial use and unplanned urbanization. As a result; Global warming, drought and natural catastrophes are rising. The...

National Quality Label

Students will search the information about their own places, about its origin, information and history about name, they will inform us about current condition, will find out the historical-geographic...

National Quality Label

In your native language singing the song "Jingle Bells", what will be recorded video and mixed together to one song. It will be nice video to show in the school Christmas parties . 1. Getting to know...

National Quality Label