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European School Education Platform


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Projects (195)

"On Europe Day We Share, On Wellbeing We Care" is a collaborative project across European schools, promoting wellbeing through creative initiatives like logo design, poster creation, and online...

Okul öncesi öğrencilerinin astrolojik (gezegenler, takım yıldızları, astronot, uzay roketi, ayın evreleri vb.) tanımları bilgisayarlı ve bilgisayarsız kodlama çalışmaları ile sanat, müzik, masal, oyun...

This project invites primary school students to embark on a fun learning adventure. The "Funny Brains" project aims to engage students in interactive learning through mind and intelligence games. By...

Happy school is possible with happy students, happy teachers and happy parents. Based on the idea that students and teachers who establish a positive bond with the school will be more productive, we...

We will exchange information, facts, interesting events both historical and current about our countries. We will create different categories. The great people of art, science, music, politics etc.

The aim of the project is to discover places of the world and make students aware of the diversity and beauty in the world.

Students 8 to 14 years old will explore the fascinating world of dogs, doing a wide range of activities related to the theme of the project.

The pupils choose a traditional and collective game from their country. They write a description of the game, specifying the organization, the teams, the equipment, the rules ... They make a video...

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