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European School Education Platform


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Projects (15)

Desfăşurarea acestui proiect vine ca răspuns la nevoia cadrelor didactice și a copiilor ,de a cunoaște obiceiuri și tradiții specifice altor țări ,de a se confrunta cu noi provocări în plan...

În timpul acestui proiect, vom alege un ursulet al clasei ,cu ajutorul caruia vom realiza activitatile la clasa.Fiecare participant va posta fotografii din cadrul activităților . În timpul derularii...

Bu bir sosyal sorumluluk projesidir, bir iyilik hareketidir. Engelli bakım merkezinde yaşayan insanlarımıza, mektup yazarak onların bir 'an'ına dokunmak, gününü neşelendirmek istiyoruz.

National Quality Label

This project wants to reflect the beauty of the traditions in all the european countries. Beside that, since the existing of the European Union, all the countries in it become a family, new traditions...

National Quality Label

We would like to show you a video in English on our school, our classmates, teachers etc.. You just have to record a video of your life in your school and that’s it! In this video, you will show the...

To teach students the importance of health and help them to develop a healthy life style. We aim to raise students awareness of healthy food, pyhsical exercise, personal hygiene and healthy eating...

The aim of the project is to focus on the diversity of languages in Europe and at the same time celebrate the values of peace, love , tolerance and respect that we have in common as European citizens...

National Quality Label

Le Traffic Education Club est considéré comme l’un des mécanismes les plus efficaces pour compléter les agences de l’État et les autres structures pertinentes de la société civile afin de rationaliser...