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European School Education Platform


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Projects (6)

In recognition of the eTwinning Programme – 15 years of creative education, we invite you to a short project. Record a short video, make a presentation or a photo collage showing 15 gifts brought by...

National Quality Label

The main aim is to communicate between different countries across Europe.Each student will inform other students about a day at school. After school is over, they will make an impression about what...

National Quality Label

PL Projekt będzie polegał na: - zamieszczaniu na blogu instrukcji gier i zabaw matematycznych, które wykorzystujemy w pracy z dziećmi oraz galerii zdjęć z lekcji z wykorzystaniem wyżej wymienionych...

National Quality Label

The project will consist of: - posting descriptions of activities related to introducing programming and creating photo galleries from lessons, - using (checking) in own work selected activities...

National Quality Label

The project assumes developing cognitive activity of children through STEM activities (STEM = science, technology, engineering, mathematics).

National Quality Label

5 yaş grubundan başlayarak yaşam boyu öğrenme kapsamında kodlama, elektronik, algoritma, teknoloji öğretiminin yaygınlaştırılması, fen, matematik ve sosyal derslerin gerçek hayattan örnek...

National Quality Label