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European School Education Platform


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Projects (9)

L’objectif du projet est d’explorer et d’utiliser les applications linguistiques en portugais, en français et anglais disponibles pour les étudiants et créer des cartes postales avec un message court...

Deux classes travailleront ensemble afin d'écrire un livre bilingue anglais-français très simple. Ils apprendront à se connaitre à l'occasion des fêtes de Noël puis commenceront leur écriture à partir...

A project involving 11-12 year old French and English students communicating about themselves and their lives predominantly using letters and postcards.

Vi ønsker med projektet "There is a superman inside us all", at måle elevernes fysiske udvikling gennem nogle simple basisøvelser. Øvelserne er udvalgt at en ergoterapeuten, og fokus er på at lave...

National Quality Label

"My Little Mascot" is a very simple art project that involves creating of mascots, using different techniques work, work different materials, practical skills, talent, skill. Teachers and students...

National Quality Label

During this project pupils will create Christmas cards and send them by post to all the schools participating in the project. Every postcard will we written in the country language and an english...

National Quality Label

We would like to celebrate Easter by singing songs and videoing them to share on the project Twinspace. Partner schools can then use the songs to show how other countries celebrate Easter.

L’aspetto innovativo che qualifica il progetto si configura nel mettere in rete, condividere conoscenze, saper fare, attraverso strumenti multimediali al fine di promuovere e valorizzare i siti Unesco...

National Quality Label