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European School Education Platform


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Projects (7)

This project tries to awaken in students curiosity, research and knowledge sharing about their local past and the aspects that most characterize it, such as: monuments, legends, local history...

National Quality Label

This project is created to be the platform of NSО Bulgaria Multilateral online seminars about DIGITAL COMPETENCES (2020) and STEAM (2021) and National e-safety conference (2022). Проектът е създаден...

Со овој проект сакаме учениците со попреченост , учениците од редовните училишта да ги запознаеме со двата празници.На 14 февруари христијаните, верниците од православна вероисповед го празнуваат...

National Quality Label

This project wants to reflect the beauty of the traditions in all the european countries. Beside that, since the existing of the European Union, all the countries in it become a family, new traditions...

National Quality Label

The main aim is to communicate between different countries across Europe.Each student will inform other students about a day at school. After school is over, they will make an impression about what...

National Quality Label

L’aspetto innovativo che qualifica il progetto si configura nel mettere in rete, condividere conoscenze, saper fare, attraverso strumenti multimediali al fine di promuovere e valorizzare i siti Unesco...

National Quality Label

Le rôle des figures géométriques dans l'éducation du dessin. C'est une combination du schéma des figures géométriques et les émotions de l'art.

National Quality Label