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Projects (8)

Im Rahmen des Projekts und zum Anlass des deutsch-französischen Freundschaftstags, werden die Schüler der 9. Klasse und die Schüler der 3e sich zunächst kennenlernen und dann zu Alltagsthemen...

Christmas is about caring for others. Times are extra difficult because of the Coronavirus. That's why the aim of this project is organising activities to make others happy, especially those who might...

National Quality Label

This project is created to be the platform of NSО Bulgaria Multilateral online seminars about DIGITAL COMPETENCES (2020) and STEAM (2021) and National e-safety conference (2022). Проектът е създаден...

Schüler des Thomas-Morus-Gymnasiums und des Collèges Anne de Beaujeu lernen Berufe und Berufsfelder in Deutschland und Frankreich kennen. Dies ermöglicht es ihnen, Arbeitsfelder zu erschließen...

Citizenship is the central theme and the purpose of the proposal is to enable the students to play a more entertaining course in transdisciplinarity, in addition to developing other skills...

National Quality Label

The project focuses on Christmas and Easter's celebration. It is a year long project with two main appointments plus a first activity to introduce themselves. Before each festivitiy students will (1)...

National Quality Label

We would like to celebrate Easter by singing songs and videoing them to share on the project Twinspace. Partner schools can then use the songs to show how other countries celebrate Easter.

L’aspetto innovativo che qualifica il progetto si configura nel mettere in rete, condividere conoscenze, saper fare, attraverso strumenti multimediali al fine di promuovere e valorizzare i siti Unesco...

National Quality Label