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European School Education Platform


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Projects (16)

- Vorstellung der Kinder unterschiedlicher Länder - Vergleich der Lebensweise der Kinder in unterschiedlichen Ländern - Welche Tiere und Pflanzen gibt es bei uns? - Was ist uns Kindern wichtig...

Geleceğe yön veren çocukların küresel çağa ayak uydurmaya çalışırken değerlerinden uzak kalmaması için değerlerin benimsenmesi, günlük hayata aktarabilmesi, mevcut neslin değerlerini öğrenip sahip...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Felicitar la Navidad con postales entre distintas escuelas de Europa. Se trata de un proyecto corto y sencillo para profesores y alumnos nuevos en etwinning. Se organizará de forma que todas las...

National Quality Label

Primer año de este Proyecto cargado de buenos deseos. Queremos compartir felicitaciones temáticas intercambiando mensajes, tarjetas y los mejores deseos con nuestros socios en eTwinning. La idea...

National Quality Label

Hello, we are two teachers: Italian and French and we would like to celebrate the 'European Day of Languages' on September 26, 2021. We could send you postcards from France and Italy with messages...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The increase in screen time of students during the pandemic period has increased the importance of reading books. It has become even more important to improve the quality of education, increase...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The project is aimed to raise awareness for the students on sustainabilty issues and animal welfare. The main goal is for students to share about practices in their schools and propose measures to...

L’objectif du projet est d’explorer et d’utiliser les applications linguistiques en portugais, en français et anglais disponibles pour les étudiants et créer des cartes postales avec un message court...