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European School Education Platform


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Projects (6)

Have you ever thought about the development of fashion since the very beginning till now? In this project we will take a look to the history of fashion, typical features, cultural dresses, different...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Find out the 27 EU countries. Create an interactive and collaborative map presenting all the EU countries. Overcome stereotypes. Develop a sense of belonging and European citizenship. Present a...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We are bringing joy, curiosity and fun into our English classes with the magic world of 'news'. Why news? News articles are written clearly and directly, making them perfect for learning new...

Présenter son école et sa ville à d’autres pays à travers des photos, des vidéos. Faire découvrir sa ville à travers les saisons. Activités : Réaliser une maquette de son école Prendre des photos des...

Students from all continents join together to reproduce one of the science's 10 most beautiful experiments of all time: Eratosthenes' measurement of the Earth's circumference.

National Quality Label

Students identify geometric shapes in European monuments, calculating areas and volumes and know a bit of the patrimony of the countries of the partner schools.