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European School Education Platform


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Projects (18)

Tras el éxito de las temporadas anteriores, queremos continuar viajando juntos para conocer diversos lugares europeos practicando todas las destrezas de la lengua con un toque interdisciplinar...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This Project aims to increase knowledge and interaction between multiple mythological cultures and their histories. The students whom will be participating will examine the mythological characters in...

National Quality Label

Le projet s’inscrit dans la programmation de la Présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne. Il a pour ambition de créer un rendez-vous annuel à l’attention des lycéens des 27 pays membres...

Project created for Online eTwinning seminar organized by Slovak NSS in dates: 19-20 October 2021. This project is opened for seminar's participant only.

National Quality Label

Définir un thème de travail collaboratif sur les enjeux environnementaux ( alimentation, pollution, océan, terre, etc.) Dans chaque activité programmée, nos élèves de tous les âges publieront des...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We will observe the nature in our countries during the project period of two years and we will share our observations with each other. There will be four schools participating in this project. We will...

Our school is located in a neighborhood where families with low socio-economic status reside. The number of the students who have completed primary school education in the combined classes and who...

National Quality Label

Recycling is an important priority for the environment and our future. It is the duty of every civilized society that actively contribute to improve the living conditions by introducing recycling in...

National Quality Label