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European School Education Platform


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Projects (8)

In our project, in order to discover the creative aspects of our students, mental relaxation and socialization, teamwork, coordination, concentration extension, stress relief, drawing attention to...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projekt z zakresu edukacji przyrodniczej i ekologicznej "Z przyrodą nam po drodze" ma na celu przygotowanie dzieci do świadomego działania na rzecz ekologii i ochrony przyrody. Rozwijanie postawy...

Schools have many problems such as racism , discrimanation and bullying . our school's aim is to prevent these problems in school.

National Quality Label

Research has shown that during the pandemic process, the sleep patterns of healthy children are disrupted and their sleep quality decreases. Children who are constantly at home cannot form a sleep...

National Quality Label

Gardner çoklu zekâ kuramına göre her insanın özel yetenek alanları ve zekâsını kendine özgü kullanma biçimi vardır. Çoklu zekâ kuramı, zekânın tek olduğunu ama kendi içinde sınıflara ayrıldığını (zekâ...

National Quality Label

"Akıl Küpü Çocuklar Yetişsin" projesi ile çocukların günlük problemlere alışılmışın dışında, özgün ve farklı çözümler üretebilmesini, bir sorunun birden fazla cevabının olabileceğini görmesini ve...

The project is related to a dangerous subject that threatens the youth and society in general. It is one of the latest and most difficult problems in our time, which must be addressed and finding...

National Quality Label

The project a showing the importance of water for man and in nature.

National Quality Label