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European School Education Platform


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Projects (89)

Šiuolaikinių ikimokyklinukų ugdymo procese vis daugiau skiriama dėmesio vaikų judėjimui, įgyjamų žinių taikymui praktikoje. Žaidimas tampa galimybe siekti vaiko pasiekimų ir pažangos per įvairesnes...

In the environment, plants, animals, and humans coexist and interact with each other. This interaction forms an essential balance that keeps each element healthy. Therefore, conserving natural...

Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life...

- choose a fairy tale - reading a fairy tale - illustration of a fairy tale - dramatization (children make their own dolls, headdresses,...) - movement games on the theme of fairy tales, songs, dance...

Our project aims to share all kinds of activities we do in our school with other schools, to reflect our culture and values ​​in our school, to use web 2 tools for learning with fun, and to prepare...

Preschool and pre-school age is special in that children accept all the information we provide with their sincere kindness and keep it in their memory for a long time. Culture and art develop people's...

National Quality Label

Projektas skirtas ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoms, kurios , kurtų lauko aplinką skirtą fiziniam aktyvumui skatinti . Skatinama naudoti gamtines priemones. Tikslas Kurti aplinką ikimokyklinio ugdymo...

Art is a means for individuals and communities to express their cultural identity. Art allows us to explore and appreciate cultures beyond our own. It provides a universal language that can bridge...

National Quality Label