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European School Education Platform


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Projects (219)

This eTwinning project provides a platform for students from different countries to explore the traditional Turkish art of Ebru and learn about this art form by relating it to their own cultures. Our...

to raise responsible individuals who project moral and cultural values and contribute to do well-boeing of society.

Toplumumuzun geneli tarafından kabul görmüş kültürel değerlerimizi gelecek kuşaklara aktarmak ve onların bu değerleri içselleştirmelerini sağlamak amacıyla Şubat ayında başlayıp Haziran ayına kadar...

It is an etwinning project that students with special needs and normally developing students will carry out together with students and teachers from different countries to draw attention to nature...

Supporting our children with special needs to be sensitive to the environment is a part of our education and training. Individuals who learn sustainability as early as possible in school life will...

To address the issues of global warming, unconscious consumption and environmental pollution, which are among the most important problems of today's world, in order to leave a sustainable world to...

Projemiz öğrencilerimize hem ruhsal hem fiziksel aktiflik sağlayacak bir iyilik projesidir. Öğrencilerimizin kalplerine dokunarak iyilik tohumları ekmek istiyoruz. Eğitim-öğretimde değerlerimiz, hayat...

The primary goal of this eTwinning project is to enhance the well-being of primary and secondary learners and create a nurturing, positive school atmosphere.