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European School Education Platform


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Projects (51067)

The project will involve our students by engaging them in meaningful activities aiming at knowing the cultural heritage of Rome, the area where the hosting school is set and more broadly of Italy...

Collaborate with peers from eTwinning partner schools to work together and draw a self-portrait to celebrate the spectrum of the skin colour and diversity. Students draw themselves and mix paint to...

Through creating pizzas (real and imaginary), discovering how all the elements are needed as each individual in the World is needed to create a whole.

Kids from 4 countries are on an agent-mission: There will be tasks for the pupils to do. At the same time learning about themselves, the others and things that join us all together. During the...

Projekt binjakëzimi e shkollës jopublike "Sarina 2002" me shkollën 9-vjeçare "Shefki Muçllari"Vërdovë, Pogradec Nxënësit e klasave të treta të shkollës sonë do të shkëmbejnë mesazhi urimi dhe do të...

The project serves as the virtual space for the Twinning Multilateral seminar "Applications, tools and perspectives of ΑΙ in education",for Secondary teachers, in Patra, Greece,10-12 May 2024.

A exploração da cor com recurso à metodologia STEAM oferece uma oportunidade extraordinária para integrar o conhecimento do pré-escolar, 1º, 2º e 3º ciclos, unindo disciplinas e promovendo a...

The children make a drawing of themselves and their family members.