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European School Education Platform


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Projects (57)

Lessons are not learned from books alone. Animals can teach us lessons too. Every animal has a specialty. The aim of our project is to realize this and make students realize it. We will make new...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

FRA Proposer à nos élèves : 1) De comprendre le sens figuré d'expressions courantes. Par exemple : "se noyer dans un verre d'eau" = "éprouver des difficultés devant un petit problème". 2) De les...

National Quality Label

The aim of this project is to raise awareness about the emotional worlds of healthcare professionals or students whose parents are healthcare professionals, whose true values ​​we understand during...

National Quality Label

Projekt će prikazati kućne ljubimce naših učenika Dijelit će ideje o razlozima koji ih inspiriraju da imaju kućne ljubimce . Raspravljat će o vrstama kućnih ljubimaca koje imaju ili koje bi željeli...

National Quality Label

The aim of this project is to make students recognize that just dreaming is actually the most important part of making their dreams true. Even if their nationalities, languages are different from each...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Foreign languages are an important part of the programs of language and literature subjects, but, sometimes, teachers have some problems in motivating their students. Beyond that, speaking foreign...

National Quality Label

The spring is in the air and therefore we want to start an international project, focusing on spring flowers. Children in different countries will draw and cut out flowers, about 20 cm x 20 cm. One...

National Quality Label

Projekt će prikazati kućne ljubimce naših učenika Dijelit će ideje o razlozima koji ih inspiriraju da imaju kućne ljubimce . Raspravljat će o vrstama kućnih ljubimaca koje imaju ili koje bi željeli...

National Quality Label