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European School Education Platform


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Projects (11)

Il s'agit de créer un mur d'expression collaboratif (padlet) autour du ressenti de nos émotions à travers le monde, au-delà des frontières

Our project is aim to gather English teachers and use technological learning environment in a collaborative atmosphere and using reading ,speaking and writing skills .

Our project will start in January and end in May. Our purpose is to make students love English. To make them love English sentences and to create stories from sentences. This Project, purposes to see...

National Quality Label

To encourage our schools,especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects.Our teachers and students...

National Quality Label

Öğrencilerimiz için verilen eğitimde öğrenci, öğretmen ve veli en büyük etkendir. Okul ortamı, çevre, vb. bu etkenlerin yanında yer almaktadır. Veli eğitim-öğretim sürecinde ne kadar etkin olursa o...

National Quality Label

Recently new terms about education have begun to enter to our life as maker movement, robotic and codding. Despite new titles the main purpose of education is to raise a creative, an inquisitive, a...

National Quality Label

-To encourage our schools, especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects. -Our teachers and...

National Quality Label

The present project is relevant since development of democracy in any country requires civil society’s involvement in the process. Digital citizenship is a modern challenge in the world. Nowadays...

National Quality Label