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European School Education Platform


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Projects (84)

Stories and fairy tales have a very important place in our children's world. Our children read fairy tales that seem imaginary to us as real life. In this way, extraordinary elements combine with the...

National Quality Label

Le patrimoine de valeur nationale doit être enrichi et transmis de génération en génération, à travers le processus éducatif. L'éducation vise la familiarisation avec les valeurs nationales...

National Quality Label

Kolejna odsłona cyklicznego projektu, w którym chcemy uczcić polskie święto narodowe i ponad 100 lat niepodległości kraju - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości obchodzone 11 listopada. Zespoły tworzą...

National Quality Label

Children's Week. Exchange about Children's Week activities. Collecion of thoughts by pupils of every individual school.

National Quality Label

Arkarası Primary School The partners of the project will have to find traditional tales and present them to the others. We ll etsablish cycles of themes, like animals, plants, , In the end we' ll...

National Quality Label

მოსწავლეებში მოხდეს ეკოლოგიური ცნობიერების ამაღლება ,იმისათვის რომ შეამცირონ შესაძლო უარყოფითი შედეგები ,გამოწვეული თავიანთი ეკო-ნაკვალევით და გახადონ იგი ნაკლებად საზიანო დედამიწისათვის. იფიქრონ...

National Quality Label

Kolejna odsłona cyklicznego projektu, w którym chcemy uczcić polskie święto narodowe i 100 lat niepodległości kraju - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości obchodzone 11 listopada. Zespoły tworzą papierowe...

National Quality Label

Nous devons tirer les leçons de la crise du COVID-19 au cours de laquelle la technologie est utilisée à une échelle sans précédent et adapter les systèmes d'éducation et de formation à l'ère numérique...

National Quality Label