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European School Education Platform


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Projects (79)

Back for the 14th year running, Schoolovision is a primary schools' version of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The project consist in postcards exchange. Every school makes some cards, than pubblish them on TwinSpace. You have to write "hello" in your native language.

Children learn to discover Nature and find Fibonacci Numbers in local surroundings. Forming and working as groups they fulfill their goals. Pupils use different ICT skills to actualize their aims. To...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The elementary mathematics lesson requires the concrete-to-abstract education principle as required by the age of students. Today's technological developments provide great opportunities for teachers...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This project is created to be the platform of Social Values STEM from European Heritage - MULTILATERAL CONFERENCE - 04th of June 2021, organised by Tudor Arghezi High School from Craiova, Romania with...

მოსწავლეებში მოხდეს ეკოლოგიური ცნობიერების ამაღლება ,იმისათვის რომ შეამცირონ შესაძლო უარყოფითი შედეგები ,გამოწვეული თავიანთი ეკო-ნაკვალევით და გახადონ იგი ნაკლებად საზიანო დედამიწისათვის. იფიქრონ...

National Quality Label

Apie projektą. Projektas skirtas ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams. Juo siekiama, taikant STEAM metodą, skatinti vaikus eksperimentuoti, tyrinėti, pasitelkti vaizduotę, ugdyti kritinio...

National Quality Label

Nous devons tirer les leçons de la crise du COVID-19 au cours de laquelle la technologie est utilisée à une échelle sans précédent et adapter les systèmes d'éducation et de formation à l'ère numérique...

National Quality Label