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European School Education Platform


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Projects (14)

For adults, whatever the job is performing for the children, the game refers to it. It has been observed that children who play games are more successful all their lives. It has been observed that...

National Quality Label

The project is based on both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It is about festivals, ceromonies, natural beauties, landmarks, historical places, education systems etc.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Ülkemizi ve tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan covit-19 nedeni ile sağlığımız için bazı tedbirler alındı.Bunlardan en önemlisi derslere uzaktan eğitim ile devam etmekti.Okullarda yüzyüze eğitime dönüldüğü...

National Quality Label

During the development of this project, students will gather information about the dishes of their region. By doing this, students will discover their cuisine, the cooking customs and the culture of...

National Quality Label

Zbog opsežnih kurikuluma koje moramo ostvariti na redovnoj nastavi primjećujemo da se zanemaruje zavičajna nastava. Zato je važno kod učenika razvijati interes za istraživanjem i popularizacijom svoga...

Çocukların doğanın tüm güzellikleri içerisinde yaptığı eğlenceli bir oyun ve spor olan uçurtma aktivitesi aynı zamanda öğrencilerin eğitim-öğretim gelişimini destekleyecek bir etkinliktir Uçurtma...

National Quality Label

All participating schools collect daily weather data at 12 noon on an identical template throughout International Education Week 2020 (16th- 20th November)
 On completion this will be uploaded as a...

National Quality Label

Starting a fun and interactive project to teach our own country geography with as many partners as possible. The objective is to do a classroom e-postcards exchange . Pupils will be exposed to parts...

National Quality Label