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European School Education Platform


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Projects (69)

Students will share their knowledge of Christmas in Finland/Italy and learn about this festivity in the other country.

This is a short project to celebrate the European Day of Languages. Schools connect and the students send postcards to the different schools to get into contact. They learn about each other, the...

Tell about your country to create an emotional bridge among people around the world. Show the beauties, the environment and the traditions of the place where you live and let us appreciate and love...

This is a short-time project for career guidance. Partners are from Germany, Italy and Finland. Pupils share presentations about the professions they are interested in. They will also discuss personal...

National Quality Label

Dans ce projet le but est l'échange de lettres et d'expériences entre les élèves des différents pays mais aussi développer la langue et la connaissance de l'autre.

This is a short-time project for career guidance. Partners are from Germany, Italy and Finland. Pupils share presentations about the professions they are interested in. They will also discuss personal...

Real communicatios motivates students to learn English. Children's tolerance towards each other increases when they realize that children all over the Europe are quite alike.

Das virtuelle eTwinning Projekt "Leben in Europa" ermöglicht den Deutschlernenden, die erst mit der deutschen Sprache angefangen haben, ihre Sprachkenntnisse (Deutsch) aktiv zu verwenden und zusammen...