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European School Education Platform


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Projects (189)

COLORFUL MUSIC EDUCATION PROJECT Recently, a 19-year-old young man in Izmir and a taxi driver who took him into his car to help him were on our agenda. We all expressed our reaction and sadness. With...

Wellbeing refers to a state of health, happiness, and prosperity. Prioritizing wellbeing is not only beneficial at an individual level but also contributes to healthier and more vibrant communities...

We will look for gender stereotypes as presented in language, art, fairy tales, the press, advertising, conventional and electronic games, professions and everyday life and how they influence our...

In this versatile project that we created to learn our students' perspective on events and to develop their moral reasoning skills, we will give our students unfinished stories and some unfinished...

Mindful Minds is a project on well-being annual theme. It focuses on raising awareness on well-being at school which is a must in digital educational era. We aim at doing mindfulness activities...

In our project, we will contribute to our students finding and expressing the meaning of their own lives by enabling them to research and question how people have given meaning to life and the...

Çocukların düşünme ve iletişime geçme kabiliyetlerini geliştiren, kendilerine olan saygılarını güçlendiren ve akademik becerilerini geliştiren P4C yaklaşımını kullanacağımız projemizde öğrencilerimiz...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

ქართული ლიტერატურის სწავლების პროცესში ხშირად გვჭირდება სხვადასხვა მეცნიერთა ( ლიტმცოდნეთა, ენათმეცნიერთა, ფილოსოფოსთა და ა. შ.) ნაშრომების გაცნობა. მოსწავლეებს კი ამ ლიტერატურაზე წვდომა არა აქვთ...