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European School Education Platform


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Projects (7)

Želja nam je istražiti i prezentirati saznanja o božićnim običajima našeg zavičaja u prošlosti, o božićnim čestitkama u prošlosti i tradicijskim božićnim jelima.. Učenici će učiti i spoznavati...

Especially children; young, old, all family members will read the book reading will become a tradition. Başta çocuklar olmak üzere; genci,yaşlısı tüm aile bireyleri kitap okuyacak. Böylelikle kitap...

Spending time with nature is good for everyone. Everything we can learn and have fun with is available in nature.In nature, the teacher gives little warning to children. Because children can focus...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We have much to protect before it's too late. Our nature, our health, our culture, our values. lets start then...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

With our project, by bringing zero waste awareness to our students; Designing usable products, reaching green sustainable knowledge and skills. Outdoor learning activities will be held to provide a...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The aim of this project is that the students will learn about school education in different countries. This project will contain a lot of interesting topics like: My school, The History of school...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

All we need is Love. There are many things and we can do to protect our environment if we want to protect life on Earth. We care for animals because we have need them for our survival. Animals need...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label